we're at the top of the world.


Luqman, Fifteen.
I'm soft in the inside.
Oh, and I love grapes.
People call me goat 'cos I've got a goatee ._.

April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009

Class 4/5 Afiqah Amirul Azmee Becky Budiman Daryl Eddy Eugene Fadee Farah Harun Husna Iman Justin Kakak Mildred Mubin Priscilla Ridhwan Sufia Syahirah Yanru Zuran

Cbox'); cboxwin.document.write(''); cboxwin.document.write(''); cboxwin.document.write('Cbox needs frames!'); try { x = screen.width; y = screen.height; cboxwin.moveTo(Math.max((x/2)-75, 0), Math.max((y/3)-130)); } catch (e) {}; } Click here to dance.

Saturday, May 30, 2009 10:48 PM

OHYEAHH. i feel so revived now (8
i managed to complete the whole of Pandan Reservoir.
6 fucking kilometres.. felt like dying.
haha, so now i just came back from ewe's house.
madrasah txtbk in front of me since 10 min ago.
but i haven't even turned a page.
screw this. i don't wanna fail tmr's papers :((

ohyah, i'm hired to be someone's tourguide.
wonder when cn i start working.. :b

Wednesday, May 27, 2009 8:18 PM

i'm so lazy to blog already.

okay, i have decided to start jogging for at least twice a week.
just came back from a jog with Zaki.
wah, zaki still fit sia.
hahah. so we managed to do 6 rounds around CCK Park, and walked home.

many INTERESTING things happened in school these few weeks.
but whatever it is, i think i'm just gonna join haziq.
whatever happens, i'm not gonna comment/support sides.
gonna keep it to myself from now on :D
+ it's nt worth my time anyways.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009 12:47 AM

i wish i could tell the whole world that Mdm Kuang is a motherfucking menopause bitch.
hope she burns in hell.

Saturday, May 23, 2009 9:34 AM

omg. i miss rugby :(

Monday, May 18, 2009 9:58 PM

i find it hard to trust people nowdays, especially among friends.
it kinda backfired me.
& i feel so betrayed.
feeling so down man.
fuck everything.

just one word,

Sunday, May 17, 2009 9:26 PM

it's been quite some time since i last updated my blog.
however, this is just gonna be a short one.

we had madrasah oral exam today.
it was kinda easy though.
next week will be the papers..
i bet it's gonna be hard :\

ridhwan delivered her mum's rendang to my house today.
hahaha, thanks ah@
i was starving and was all alone at home.
parents out to jemputan, and brother had soccer training.
thought of going to the library to borrow a new book.. but felt lazy thn.

i've finished off my Hook, Line & Sinker book.
the ending was ssssweet.. :s yeah heh. i like :D
okay, now i needa do my f&n coursework.
i need to search for 4 recipes by tonight since i've promised Kuang tmr i'll show her..

Monday, May 11, 2009 11:13 PM

i'm tired of being stuck at home so went out with ilham amirul ridhwan and bean to Tampines Mall.
ilham wanna go to UNIQLO to buy shirt or smth'.
end up didn't find what he wanted there, and he felt guilty for making us follow him all the way there. hahaha
lazy wanna update much .__.
took bus 67 back home to CCK. the bus ride was freaking long, almost 2hours \:

before i go to sleep, i wanna do this 100th truth for fun [: anyone can do this quiz. feel free.

1. Last beverage: Plain Water
2. Last phone call: Ilham
3. Last text message: Husna
4. Last song you listened to: My Sharona by The Ramones
5. Last time you cried: Long long time ago~

6. Dated someone twice: Yes.
7. Been cheated on: *shrugs*
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: No.
9. Lost someone special: Yes.
10. Been depressed: Yeah, absolutely.
11. Been drunk and threw up: Nope, i don't drink.

12. Bright Green
13. Black
14. Calm Blue

15. Made a new friend: Uhuh.
16. Fallen out of love: Yeap.
17. Laughed until you cried: Err, can't rmbr.
18. Met someone who changed you: Idk.
19. Found out who your true friends were: Idk this either, but i think so.
20. Found out someone was talking about you: Not sure.
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: Nah.
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: 3/4 of it.
23. How many kids do you want to have: 1 boy, 1 girl. Good enough :D
24. Do you have any pets: Last time. Pet fish. A very cute goldfish, which died and i cried.
25. Do you want to change your name: Nope.
26. What did you do for your last birthday: Escaped bday bash, and went jamming.
27. What time did you wake up today: 830am.
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: At the comp, chatting.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: 'O' Levels to be over!
30. Last time you saw your mother: A few minutes ago.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I'm not really sure for now.
32. What are you listening to right now: Angie by The Rolling Stones (nice song, try listening)
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: No, haha.
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: Laziness to start revising for Prelims.
35. Most visited webpage: Facebook, Hotmail, Blogger
36. What's your real name: Luqman Nur Hakim
37. Nicknames: Kambeng *shakes fists*
38. Relationship Status: Single
39. Zodiac sign: Bull?
40. Male or female: Male
41. Elementary: Chua Chu Kang Pri Sch.
42. Middle School: Unity Sec Sch.
43. High school/college: Not yet.
44. Hair colour: Black.
45. Long or short: Short. Ughh. I want long hair.
46. Height: 1.67m i think.
47. Do you have a crush on someone: No.
48: What do you like about yourself: *shrugs*
49. Piercings: Don't have.
50. Tattoos: Don't have.
51. Righty or lefty: Righty?

52. First surgery: When i was a kid. Not sure how many years old.
53. First piercing: Don't have.
54. First best friend: Uh..
55. First sport you joined: Basketball, when i was in Pri 3 :B
56. First vacation: Malaysia :d
58. First pair of trainers: Can't rmbr.

59. Eating: Nothing.
60. Drinking: Nothing.
61. I'm about to: Type.
62. Listening to: Drift Away by The Rolling Stones & The Beatles
63. Waiting on: *shrugs*

64. Want kids: Yes.
65. Get married: Yeah.
66. Career: Engineer?

67. Lips or eyes: Eyes.
68. Hugs or kisses: Hugs.
69. Shorter or taller: Shorter.
70. Older or Younger: Younger.
71. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic.
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: Nice arms.
73. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive.
74. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship.
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: 50:50

76. Kissed a stranger: No, ain't that despo.
77. Drank hard liquor: No.
78. Lost glasses/contacts: No.
79. Sex on first date: NO WAY.
80. Broken someone's heart: Idk.
82. Been arrested: No.
83. Turned someone down: Ya lol
84. Cried when someone died: Yes, when i was in Pri sch.
85. Fallen for a friend: yeaah.

86. Yourself: Yes.
87. Miracles: Yes.
88. Love at first sight: A little.
89. Heaven: Yeah.
90. Santa Claus: No -.-
91. Kiss on the first date: Nope.
92. Angels: Yeah.

94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: No.
95. Did you sing today?: Yeah. Yeah. In fact, i sing everyday.
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: No.
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: When i was still a baby.
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: 1st Jan.
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: Had enough. Maybe, yes a little.
100. Posting this as 100 truths?: Here you go, my 100 truths.

oh, will be going to school tmr.
4 periods of mathematics. can't lose out.

Saturday, May 9, 2009 10:06 AM

i can hardly open my right eye.
it is 2/3 closed, eyelids swollen.
-.0 anyone know how to cure Tembelness? Lol.

Thursday, May 7, 2009 12:35 PM

i got my first major cut yesterday during PE lesson.
was playing touch when i fell too fast and was unable to avoid the entrance door ledge.
i remembered clearly what happened.
just as i hit the damn door, my head started to spin.
felt very very very giddy.
then i heard somebody shouted EH BLOOD, then when i opened my eyes, my right hand was all bloody.
and blood was dripping like tapwater ._.
didn't feel a single pain at that time.
was brought to rest in front of GO.
ambulance came, and was brought to NUH.

my first time experience in an ambulance.
hahaha, kinda fun cos i felt like i was in a drama.
the journey took almost 20min if i'm not wrong.
blablabla.. it was very boring just lying there on the hosp stretcher and doing nothing.
moreover, i did not have my specs with me.
so everything around me were blur.
few hours later, the doctor passed me my handphone.
so yeah, received msgs & calls.
thanks for caring guys (8

my dad decided that i go for the plastic surgery.
cos if the normal stitch, it will look ugly and higher chances i've got to shave my hair.
was transferred to the other building for surgery.
altogether it costs around $600+, and this is only for the surgery.
sheesh. so exp :\
ohyah, sorry for the wrong info.
the cut was 5cm long and dk how deep.
but i supposed it was freaking deep as the doctors say my skull was visible in the cut.
i can't imagine ughh.. disgusting.

released from the hospital at around 4pm.
got emcee for 7 days, but extended to another 1 day which is on Wednesday.
since i've got an appointment on tht day, i need not go to school.
will be returning to school on Thursday, insyallah.
now the wound is freaking painful.

ate lots of pills/medicines.
the stitch is not that obvious, since the doctor really did well during the surgery.
but ilook like Chucky. there's one stitch line near my forehead -.- k lame
i feel so bored staying at home, forcing myself to sleep after eating medicines.
i finished off my storybook in the morning and now i've got nth to read.
played my brother's PSP for 4 hours.
and watched some television.
now at comp, at fb playing this restaurant game which afiqah introduced to me.

ahh, my head spinning. BUT i don't wanna sleep.
help me :OOO

This layout was made by Toomunch/Denise, img gaffe thank you.