we're at the top of the world.


Luqman, Fifteen.
I'm soft in the inside.
Oh, and I love grapes.
People call me goat 'cos I've got a goatee ._.

April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009

Class 4/5 Afiqah Amirul Azmee Becky Budiman Daryl Eddy Eugene Fadee Farah Harun Husna Iman Justin Kakak Mildred Mubin Priscilla Ridhwan Sufia Syahirah Yanru Zuran

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Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:47 PM

i guess it's true what people always say.
it's getting harder and harder to trust people as we grow older.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009 10:06 PM

spent the night of my birthday with family at Marina South Pier.
actually, we went to Bukit Gombak for dinner first.
didn't ate much cos was still full from eating KFC in the evening.
after eating, we went searching for McCafe to get more free frappe :D
got 2 more, 1 for me, another for my little brother.

the view at Marina South Pier was beautiful.
and it was so calming, with the sound of waves and it was a windy night too.

reached home at around 1am.
was too tired to bathe, wash my feet and slept. ZZZZ~

anyways, went to school early today to finish up my malay homework.
yesterday's night study was fun.
managed to do maths homework till 9pm.
cycled back with Bud and Ridhwan.
we went to mosque for a while for prayers before going home.
AND, ridhwan asked us to accompany hm till under hs block.
he said it was spooky.
TURNS OUT, it was nt at all spooky.
wah ridhwn, you !@#$ lol

today after sch, we went to library.
i did finished up my storybook.
uh.. heard stories and everythg.
i've finally given up already.
too sick and tired of ths shits..
wish you all the best, i guess.

PS: have you heard of the glow-in-the-dark mineral water bottle?

lol -_-


Saturday, April 25, 2009 5:44 PM

woke up early in the morning for trail.
met budiman under his block, and he gave me a banana for my bday present.
.___. haha.
so we supposed to wait for victor, but he just woke up.
we went straight to BPP without waiting.
waited long for minwei, at last we went to trail first cos they were v v late.
later on, victor had a bad fall and hit his wrist on the rocks.
he felt like fainting aft tht.
cancelled BT, and went home instead.

at 1115pm, met haziq at CCK MRT.
AS USUAL, MR.GOLDFISH was late again.
screw you BEAN >:( hahah@
anyway, went for jamming at Chinese Garden.
irwan and amirul joined us half an hour later.
we managed to complete the song Blitzkrieg Bop with irwan, singing.
he sing power sia. got tht kinda british accent ok! haha (8

ate lunch at Jurong Point.
since today is my bday, i went to get the free frappe at McCafe.
delicious ^^
explored Jurong Point for a while after eating before going home.

am feeling very exhausted now.
oh btw, thanks ppl for the bday wishes/msgs (:
luckily, i escaped from being bday-bashed by Haziq today heh heh.
maybe going out with family to celebrate tonight, idk.
wait till dad is home :\ hmm.
right i thk i wanna take a nap now.

AH, happy bday to Eugene too :D but he 17. haha old sia -_-

Friday, April 24, 2009 6:58 PM

we had fun in F&N lesson today.
3 periods of F&N right after recess, in the comp lab.
mdm kuang left us for 2 periods cos she was crying.
oh whtever abt her -.-

we played the comp, on music and some play online games.
thn me and ridhwan went to Google under images, and start typing everyone's name.
some were damn funny i tell you.

went to take 307 to the mosque later on.
the bus was so crowded.
i've got to lean against the front door.
all were squeezed like sardines :S

lucky managed to reach mosque in time.
after prayers, ate under bean's block.
went back school with haziq.

played soccer while waiting for mum.
found out that i'm meeting mrs geetha.
i don't even know which is mrs geetha ._.
i was hoping to see mr shanmugam. haha he cnfm funny

my session lasts for almost 30 min.
sheesh, so many thgs to talk uh my mum ahaha.
sometimes i don't even understand wht mrs geetha was talking.
her accent is very very thick.
even my mum says so.

home after PTC.
oh no i didnt hand in my maths files. ah heck care manzz :\
i got 4th in class.
who get 3rd/2nd/1st?
thk Becky Junhowe or hadi uh, since they fail only 2 subjs.

bday tmr.
plans are as follows:

1. Ride at BT
2. Jamming session
3. Out with family

gonna enjoy tmr (:

Thursday, April 23, 2009 11:52 PM

today in class, got drama.
lmfao man -_-

Saturday, April 18, 2009 8:55 PM

today morning, was fucked up.
1st: Trail canceled.
2nd: Jamming session canceled.
3rd: Woke up late.. my prata and curry cold already.. -.-

so, in the afternoon, played badminton with Ridhwan at CCK park.
the weather was so hot.
went to lot 1, and bought ice cream to cool ourselves down.
walked home after that.

in the evening, went out with family and cousins to West Coast Park.
played some soccer there.
bad news is, we misplaced the goddamn soccer ball and only realised it until we reached home.
so unlucky manzz \:

tmr there's madrasah.
i think, i started to like going to madrasah nowdays.
it's like.. i feel very calm and relax everytime i go.
hmmm :o

i've got to start my revision already, probably starting from Monday.
yeap, there's no time to waste anymore.
CCA have stepped down.. and we're not even allowed to play for the M1 tens.
dammit ._.

oh i've just signed up facebook.
the quizzes are kinda fun :B hehe

Friday, April 17, 2009 12:01 AM

oh manzzz, i've failed my F&N.
my marks was supposed to be 37.5/95. instead, kuang counted 34.5.
-.- lucky i re-count.
anyway, she said my OP,TA and Research was fine.
just that i have to continue and finish up my research.
under the 'variety of interesting dishes', i have totally no idea what to write.

upon failing my maths, i've got to write down 30+ correction for each Q that i get wrong.
i find this very very very stupid/waste of time/not useful at all.
even my tuition teacher says so.
there was even no explanation at all -_______________________- for the questions.

so here i am, just finished my supper 3 slices of bread with butter, and a cup of hot milo.
done my research halfway. (stuck at the variety of interesting dishes dammit)
and now, getting ready to finish off my maths homework.
A Maths, 12D. Differentiation, here i come~

oh, Happy B'day Fizah.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009 9:47 PM

we've lost to Monfort, therefore we're 4th in Bowls.
and i sprained my left little finger. stinks

bad bad news :/
i even failed both of my mathematics.
E Maths: 37%
A Maths: 32%
good news is, i passed my science.
amazingly i scored much better in chemistry compared to my biology.
so far i failed only both my mathematics, idk about my F&N paper.
will be receiving it tmr probably.

today we had to design our own t-shirt on a piece of paper during CE.
Haziq and i don't know how to draw a lion -.-
didn't managed to complete our design in the end.

malay AEP was super b-o-r-i-n-g.
we were lectured by Mdm Fadilah .__. and thn Mdm Nora.
anyway, after AEP slacked at school for a while.
played some basketball, and then off to home.

NAPHA test tmr, while my body is still aching and crampsss~

Sunday, April 12, 2009 10:19 PM

hey. how'd you people spent your long weekends?
well as for me, i went to cousin's house at Johor for sleepover + BBQ.
nth' much to update actually.
to be honest, i'm just to plain lazy and exhausted.
i'm not feeling well now..kinda falling sick i thk.
cos that time we played in the rain (8

it kinda rain every evening from Friday till Sunday there.
we played badminton and i won Nabil 3 sets straight :p

BBQ yesterday night was super fun.
i helped to fan the chicken all.
ate wedges chicken prawns lamb, and was so bloated.

anyway, my slippers were stolen at the mosque aft the friday prayers.
screw whoever stole it.
at mosque also wanna steal.
but nevermind, i bought myself a pair of new ones.

eeyer my earpiece spoiled already !@#$%
oh i didn't sht from Thursday till today, Sunday.
and hell yeah it fkg hurts -_-

how time flies.
it feels like only yesterday we've reached Johor.
sucks. if only, we can turn back time.
there's school tmr and we'll be receiving our MYE results.

very very very depressing :(

Thursday, April 9, 2009 7:52 PM

we lost to Jurong with the score approximately 30+ to 0, sadly.
next game will be on Tuesday against Monfort for 3rd and 4th placing in Bowls.
we must win ths game.

idk why my left toe sprained suddenly after i reached home.
dammit it hurts.
oh Adam was sent to the hospital. poor him :d
he torn his ligament muscle,
that's gotta hurt.

after everything, met up with dad to buy dinner since mum didn't cook.
i got myself McSpicy mm yummy@
will be going off to Malaysia at around 10pm.

so you people enjoy your long holidays!
and prepare yourself for nxt week as we'll be receiving our MYE results.

Random Pict:

nice bike baby

Wednesday, April 8, 2009 8:02 PM

i heard that our Eng Oral is postponed to 30th April instead of today.
whatever it is, i'm freaking scared for my conversation.
my english is cocky and my ideas don't rly flow that well.

2.4km run was 7 and 1/2 rounds around the field.
Ruben was my recorder.
he runs real fast i tell you haha.
i missed A by 14 seconds if i'm nt wrong.. and that sucks.

today HML students did not have AEP.
so, went to the library to read some books.
we disturbed Ridhwan cos he was having lunch with his well.. drug-that-keeps-him-alive (lol) at LJS, before heading to the lib.
haha sorry man@
anyway, found the book 'Girls For Breakfast' so i took and read it.

yesterday's match against Jurong was postponed to tmr.
and woohoo tmr night i'll be off to Malaysia till Sunday.
so don't text me or call me during the 4 days, i'll not reply cos i won't receive thm.
or maybe if i do receive, i'll reply thn.

alright, gotta go pack up bag for tmr and clean up some pile of books and worksheets in my room.
my mum has been nagging cos my room is messy.
which is to me, not at all -.-



Monday, April 6, 2009 11:51 PM

done watching HSM3.. yah yah i know it's already outdated.
haha but i've downloaded it anyway.
the storyline is so boring -_-

tmr against Jurong.. l:
my wound haven't even heal yet, fk!
i hope i can withstand throughout the whole game.

ohman so tired alrdy.
gotta sleep.

Sunday, April 5, 2009 9:19 PM

it rained heavily today and i love it cos it was cold.
i love cold weathers (8
alright, today went to watch my little brother went for soccer training near West Spring Sec.
have to watch at a further distance since it was raining quite heavily.
after he finished, went to Banquet to eat.
nth' much after that as we went to uncle's house till night time.
my bruise at leg hurts like fk.
idk how i'll handle it for tmr's training and Tuesday's match -.-
screw it@
and i have this dumb splint in my right index finger.
i can't seem to pull it out. HELP :(

i bet we'll be getting some of our results tmr huh.
damn. i just hope i've done well for MYE.
if not, i can't enjoy BBQ this Sat. *thumbs down*
if i have a choice either to go or to skip school tmr, i'll skip.
seriously don't feel like going to school.

Saturday, April 4, 2009 2:21 PM

just came back from my first off-road ride with Bud and Victor.
thanks guys for showing me around@

so yeah, i kept falling at certain climbs. that sucks big time.
i get pissed off everytime i fell -_-
cuts/bruises/blood tsk, later bathe confirm painful.
we ate at a coffee shop aft that.
the prata is like, so obvious instant prata. wasn't nice at all.
and expensive too.
but we just ate cos were too hungry to care.

back at home, spent almost 2 hours washing bike.
anyway, there's Madrasah tmr and idk if going out aft that.
oh damn i can't wait for next Thursday to come.
i'll be off to Malaysia and BBQ :D

AND now i'm gonna go bathe.
and prepare for the excruciating pain. hahaha

Friday, April 3, 2009 8:32 PM

NOTE: i'm gonna re-use this old blog again!

anyway, today had Xcountry at Chi Garden.
we have match in the afternoon so we're excused from running.
but decided to go for a jog with haziq and harun .
moreover, we got Bait in front of us LOL
what is the bait? well, you don't need to know. hahaha

in the afternoon, we played against Greendale at the old SAJC field.
the field is almost botak and there's lumps everywhere.
not nice at all :l
however, we won Greendale 48-0.
i shouldn't have eaten Mc Spicy just now after the Xcountry.
cos i feel so heavy when running -.-
oh yes next game is against Jurong Sec. sheesh

so at night, there's some confession.
well wasn't surprised to hear it cos yah, i got the feeling a long time ago.
whatever is gonna happen i don't wanna care.
gotta be strong alright, this is life
and life is not always fair, i know.

it's so good to have my specs back.
love it (8
OH before i forget, catch Hasif and Damian at School's Nationals next Wednesday, Channel 5 @ 730pm.


This layout was made by Toomunch/Denise, img gaffe thank you.